How it works
Setting Up A Profile is Easy!
Purchase as many courses as you need for yourself and other staff members. When the training module is completed an e mail will be sent to the Training Manager with a copy the Certificate of Completion. A copy will also be stored online for access in the future.
The Full Order process is as follows:
- Click on “Purchase Training”, then “Create an Account”
- Fill-in the registration form with all mandatory fields
- Confirm your registration
- Check your e mail inbox where you will receive your Manager Login details
- Log in to the Online Training Management Portal at this link: and enter the Username and Password details that were e mailed to you.
Once in the Online Training Management Portal to assign training modules you first need to:
- Click "Trainees" and then "Add" - Fill in all of the Trainees Details including their first name, last name, background check number and e mail address (make sure to tick the box - "Do you want this trainee to receive notifications ?"). Now the trainee has been setup on the system.
- Click "Purchase Training" and when you find the course that you would like to assign select "Add To Cart" and then "Purchase", to assign it to the required trainee/s Click the Blue Shopping Trolley beside their name. In the next step you confirm that the Order is correct and then proceed to payment. Once the transaction has been processed you will receive an e mail with the Login Details for the trainee - they will also receive a notification that they have been assigned to a course and be given directions to access the training module.